AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone)

AMH is a simple blood test for assessing ovarian reserve, with results to your referring doctor in 2 business days. Below are some common questions you may have - click on the queries below to expand the answers:  

What is AMH?

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a biomarker produced by antral and pre-antral follicles for assessing ovarian reserve (the amount of eggs that remain in your ovaries with reproductive potential) and is therefore essential in evaluating potential fertility. 

AMH testing at Clinical Labs will provide you with peace of mind. We use the latest in fully automated laboratory technology which outperforms all other previous tests, allowing for the evaluation of AMH concentrations in samples that would otherwise be undetectable. 

What will my AMH results tell me?

The test will provide you with information on your current ovarian reserve and how this is likely to change over time. 

Low levels of AMH are suggestive of a poor ovarian reserve, whereas high levels may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome.

AMH testing will also assist you in considering IVF or other fertility treatments, as AMH can help in the prediction of oocyte retrieval (egg collection) and ovarian responsiveness to fertility medications.

AMH testing is also useful if you are considering egg freezing before chemotherapy or surgery, or for social reasons. 

When should I get my AMH test?

AMH levels have minimal fluctuation during the normal menstrual cycle and can therefore be tested at any time. 

Where can I get my AMH test?

Once you have received your referral from your doctor, you can visit any of our 1,300 collection centres located throughout Australia. Click here to find your closest Clinical Labs collection centre. 

When will my results be ready?

Results will be with your referring doctor 2 business days after your sample arrives at our laboratory. 

What is the cost of the test?

Medicare does not cover the cost of the AMH blood test. An out of pocket fee of $90 applies. 

To make discussing AMH testing with your doctor easier, download and print our one page flyer and take it with you to your next appointment.